Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meeting another Angel

Wow! What a weekend!
On Friday night Maisie went to her first University of MN Gopher Wrestling Match of the season. It was just Maisie and I. We met some friends for dinner (Haselius family) and Maisie enjoyed playing with Hillary which is in the second grade. Saturday we went to Vivian's first birthday in Minneapolis. Sunday (today) we met another Angel. Maisie met Maddy. It was so great for me to connect with another family who knows what it's like to be a parent of an Angel. Maddy and Maisie are very close in age in fact they are both July babies! Maddy has a wonderful laugh and smile. She made me look at Maisie in a different light. I am very thankful for Gina and Chris and their knowledge and trying times they shared with me. We discussed therapies, schools, next steps and goals for our girls. My hopes are to keep in touch with them and get the girls together. I wish Andy would have been able to join us at the MN Zoo today, but he is out in Vail skiing.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Maisie is walking!


It has been so long since we posted last!
Well a lot has happend :)
  • On January 3rd Maisie will be starting a Pre-K SPED program. She will attend 3 days a week in the afternoons! It will be crazy to put my 30 month baby on the bus, wow I don't even want to think about it. 
  • Maisie is making great gains in her eating. Her SLP asked what we want to work on next. I am thinking we should tackle drinking out of a cup or maybe using silverware (which may be more OT) 
  • This weekend Maisie took over 20 steps! I am surprised I didn't just start bawling right then and there. This is a huge milestone for her at 29 months. I am so proud of her! Matter of fact I am very proud of her daddy also. If it wasn't for him she wouldn't be able to attend 5 therapy sessions a week and make such great progress. 
  • Maisie had two 24 hour EEG's within a week back in October. Great news is that she is not having any seizures. 
  • I don't know how Maisie will handle her baby sister arriving by January 18th.